Let’s Encrypt 更新至 ACMEv2

1. 下載 win-acme

官網: https://github.com/win-acme/win-acme/releases

壓縮包下載: win-acme.v2.1.5.742.x64.trimmed.zip

2. 解壓縮檔案,用管理者權限執行 cmd

用搜尋功能,找 cmd,在搜尋結果上面按右鍵,選「以系統管理員身分執行」。

Let's Encrypt ACMEv2 zip
Let's Encrypt ACMEv2 cmd

3. 切到解壓縮的資料夾,執行 wacs.exe

Let's Encrypt ACMEv2 wacs

4. 申請新憑證

(1) 選「N: Create new certificate (simple for IIS)」

(2) 有多個 domain 要一起綁定
『Site identifier(s) or to choose all: 』按 Enter 選取全部

(3) 使用 specific bindings from the list

Site identifier(s) or to choose all: <Enter>

1: infoqme.com (Site 4)
2: xxx.me (Site 3)

You may either choose to include all listed bindings as host names in your
certificate, or apply an additional filter. Different types of filters are

1: Pick specific bindings from the list
2: Pick bindings based on a search pattern
3: Pick all bindings

How do you want to pick the bindings?:

小Q的 IIS 有兩個 Domain 要綁定。
選「 1: Pick specific bindings from the list 」。
接著會詢問「Include bindings:」
輸入「1,2」,表示選擇第一個和第二個 Domain (Site4、Site3)

(4.) 選擇主要顯示的 Domain 名稱,小Q 使用第一個,輸入「1」,按 Enter

1: infoqme.com (Site 4)
2: xxx.me (Site 3)

Please pick the most important host name from the list. This will be
displayed to your users as the subject of the certificate.

Common name: 1

(5) 若有一些 Domain 驗證 Pending ,Retry 應該就會完成。
若詢問 email,可以輸入,憑證快到期會通知 Renew 憑證。
